Winter school

The central part of HLR 2016 is formed by a three days workshop which will be held from December 5th to December 7th, 2016 at LAAS (Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of Systems). Participation is by invitation only. The presentation focuses towards a convenient setting to promote scientific cooperation among the leading research groups of this highly interdisciplinary domain. All invited participants are strongly encouraged to bring along students and young researchers from their laboratories.

During the workshop each invited expert will give a presentation about their current work, open problems and upcoming challenges. Focus will be put on current and future joint projects between the countries. In addition there will also be poster sessions. This should give plenty of opportunities for discussion among researchers of different scientific backgrounds and doctoral students. Participants are encouraged to participate in the debates and foster interdisciplinary scientific exchange on an international level.


A list of participatns, oral and poster presentations as well as the program will be displayed on separate pages.

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