
German-French University - Université Franco Allemande - Deutsch Franzosische Hochschule German-French University - Université Franco Allemande - Deutsch Franzosische Hochschule
The aim of the German-French University is to make stronger the relationship between the two countries in research and higher education.
European Research Council - Actanthrope project European Research Council - Actanthrope project
Actanthrope intends to promote a neuro-robotics perspective to explore original models of anthropomorphic action. The project targets contributions to humanoid robot autonomy (for rescue and service robotics), to advanced human body simulation (for applications in ergonomics), and to a new theory of embodied intelligence (by promoting a motion-based semiotics of the human action).
Founded in 1939 by governmental decree, the CNRS aims to: Evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society. Contribute to the promotion and application of research results. Develop scientific information. Support research training. Participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy.
The Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) is a CNRS research unit linked with the Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS) and the Institute of Information Sciences and their interactions (INS2I). LAAS’ research activities fall within the domain of Information Sciences and Technologies and address complex systems (artificial and sometimes natural) generally heterogeneous, and at different scales, to devise theories, methodologies and tools for modeling, designing and controlling them. Research, innovation and transfer are tied. The lab has a history of strong relationships with industry and works in a large number of collaborative projects with international, national and regional industries of all size. LAAS was one of the 20 first “Carnot Institutes” labeled in 2006. The systems considered in our research are of different kinds: integrated systems, embedded systems with real time and safety requirements, distributed systems, mobile systems, autonomous and robotics systems, micro and nano systems, biological systems. They fall in various application domains such as aeronautics and space, telecommunications, transports, production, services, security and defense, energy management, healthcare, environment and sustainable development. Scientific research is distributed into height main departments: Critical Infomation Processing Networks and Communications Robotics Decision and Optimization MicroNanosystems RF and Optics Nano-Engineering and Integration Energy Management MicroNanoBio Technologies
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